Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Football Skills

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

Unfortunately today's running club is cancelled due to rain. Lets hope for some dry weather next week. Participants have started earning their shoe charms for miles logged. The charms can be worn on shoe laces or on the silver chain given to the club members.

3 Miles
12 Laps
White Foot
5 Miles
20 Laps
Blue Foot
10 Miles
40 Laps
Yellow Foot
15 Miles
60 Laps
Black Foot
20 Miles
80 Laps
Silver Foot
25 Miles
100 Laps
Gold Foot
30 Miles
120 Laps
Blue Dolphin

Students are wrapping up their fitness unit on the 5 COMPONENTS OF FITNESS. Next week we will start studying the skeletal system.

All students are working on football skills such as the overhand throw and catch and giving and receiving hand-offs. Students in grades 3-5 are also working on running wide receiver routes and play calling. Ask your child to share their favorite route with you or show how to make a mailbox to receive a hand-off. The student below is demonstrating catching hands high and low.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Basketball Wrap Up and Marathon Jr.

Students in 3-5 are wrapping up their basketball unit by combining the skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. The students also participated in a circuit training lesson where they performed various exercises using exercise steps, jump ropes, medicine balls and resistance bands. They are working on recognizing what exercises focus on specific components of fitness. Next week they will begin a unit on football skills (running routes, catching, throwing and kicking). 

Students in grades K-2 are finishing up their ball control unit where they have worked on dribbling, the bounce pass and even progressed to shooting at the 8 ft. basket and a 6 foot target. They also participated in the circuit training lesson. Next week we will begin to work on the components of the overhand throw.


The Dolphin Running Club met for the second time this week. Students have logged many miles over the last two weeks. Next week they will begin to earn charms for their chain. 

Check out the Call Federal Marathon Jr. which partners with the Richmond Marathon. All participants receive a medal and awards will be given for the top 3 male and female finishers in each distance. They are also having a costume contest. Don't miss this awesome event!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hooray! The first Dolphin Running Club meeting was a huge success. Thank you to all the energetic students who came out eager to start their day with exercise. A big thanks to all the parent volunteers that helped make the morning run smoothly. I can't wait for next Wednesday!

Students in 3-5 grade continue to work on basketball skills such as dribbling, bounce passing and shooting. In conjunction with this unit they are also taking their Fitness Gram Tests. Next week we will wrap up these topics and move on to football skills such as throwing, catching and kicking.

Students in K-2 began working on ball control skills such as bouncing, catching and dribbling. Next week they will move on to passing.

All students have been exploring the fitness components MUSCULAR STRENGTH and MUSCULAR ENDURANCE. The students worked on recognizing that 12 or more repetitions of an exercise with a less than maximum force improves muscular endurance while muscular strength involves maximum force and a smaller number of repetitions.

Check out these great events hosted by Hanover County Elementary Schools!

Battlefield Park Elementary Run for Fun

Mechanicsville Miler - Run for Renee

Beaver Bolt 5K